Between 1833 and 1836 in England, then in Prussia and finally in France, young botanists experimented
with making plant fossils to understand better how such fossils could be formed and how to interpret
fossil assemblages. These experiments are described and discussed. Despite these promising beginnings, plant
taphonomy was not really developed as a science until much later.
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Lortet, P., 1835. Lias-Stück in einem Erzgang des Granits von Romanèche; Verhalten vom Granit, Porphyr, Schiefer und Kalk bei Chessy und zwischen Granit- und Kohlen-Sandstein bei La Palisse. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde 1835, 520–521.
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