• An overview of the Late Oligocene floras of Hungary is presented.
  • The appearance of temperate elements is documented in the floras.
  • The presence of temperate elements was related to edaphic associations.
In Hungary, late Oligocene (Chattian, reg. str. Kiscellian and Egerian) plant remains have been preserved in sediments of the Törökbálint (Mány and Kovačov members) and Eger formations. An overview and revision of these late Oligocene macrofloras, both newly excavated and already published, are presented. Nearly a hundred plant taxa are described from the localities Andornaktálya, Csörög, Eger Wind-brickyard, Kesztölc, Környe, Leányfalu, Máriahalom, Nagysáp, Pomáz, Pusztaberki, Rétság, Tarján, Verőcemaros, and Vértesszőlős. Floristic results help understand and interpret the flora and vegetation change during the Oligocene. The appearance of temperate floristic elements in the late Oligocene floras may have been related to habitats strongly influenced by edaphic factors and the better adaptability of the new, temperate elements to a quickly changing environment.
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Latest Oligocene (late Chattian) environmental transitions revealed by plant-insect interactions preserved in plant assemblages from Wind Brickyard, Eger, Hungary
Imre Gyökeres, Benjamin Adroit, Árpád Dávid
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
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