University of Göttingen, Department of Palynology and Climate Dynamics, Albrecht-von-Haller Institute for
Plant Sciences, Untere Karspüle 2, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
University of Tehran, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Agricultural and Natural Resources
College, Division of Plant Biotechnology, Alborz, Iran
We studied the modern pollen rain in two different landscapes from Hyrcanian lowland forests up
to the slopes of the Alborz Mountains in Gilan province for the first time. Pollen traps were installed for one year
and moss samples were collected along two altitudinal transects from 100 to 1800 m and from 100 to 2300 m
elevations. The results of pollen counting and environmental DNA barcoding (metabarcoding) of the collected
pollen and moss samples were compared from 32 locations. In total, 81 vascular plant species from 36 families
were identified by metabarcoding, and 68 taxa belonging to 39 families were identified by pollen counting. The
pollen counting results reflect mainly wind-pollinated families, such as Betulaceae and Fagaceae while results
from metabarcoding of the rbcL and ITS2 loci were more in line with the vegetation around the pollen traps and
the moss samples. Furthermore, this study showed that the rbcL region is able to identify more taxa than the
ITS2 region, while applying both markers provides higher confidence. Also using both metabarcoding and pollen
data provides a better local and regional vegetation representation.
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The last millennium vegetation and environmental history of the Hyrcanian highland region, a pollen record from Shekardasht mire, northern Iran Faezeh Nourmohammad, Elias Ramezani, Hermann Behling Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
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