The palynology of the Ordóñez Formation (Pennsylvanian) in the Chacoparaná Basin, northern Argentina
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CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas), Sección Paleopalinología, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “B. Rivadavia”, Av. Ángel Gallardo 470, C1405DJR, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Online publication date: 2018-06-19
Publication date: 2018-06-19
Acta Palaeobotanica 2018; 58(1): 3-26
A detailed palynological analysis of the Chacoparaná Basin is presented. Thirty-one samples were recovered from boreholes YCF.CO1, YCF.CO2 and YCF.CO3, corresponding to the lower part of the Ordóñez Formation, at the Santiago Temple locality (Córdoba Province, Argentina). Three new species are described: Calamospora fissurata sp. nov., Retusotriletes archangelskyi sp. nov. and Horriditriletes chacoparanensis sp. nov.; Leiotriletes malanzanensis nov. nom., Endosporites menendezi nov. nom., emend. are proposed to replace L. tenuis Azcuy and E. parvus Menéndez; and the following species are proposed as new combinations: Brevitriletes coalescens (Menéndez & Azcuy) nov. comb., Brevitriletes papillatus (Menéndez & Azcuy) nov. comb., B. sparsus (Menéndez & Azcuy) nov. comb., B. delicatus (Menéndez) nov. comb. and Indotriradites malanzanensis (Azcuy) nov. comb. Two different associations were identified and are compared with the known biozones from the same basin and other biostratigraphical schemes for basins from central western Argentina. The palynological assemblage can be referred, in part, to the Potonieisporites–Lundbladispora Biozone (Chacoparaná Basin) and the Raistrickia densa–Convolutispora muriornata Biozone (central western basins of Argentina, latest Serpukhovian–Bashkirian).
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Journal of South American Earth Sciences
New age, stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental interpretation of the Loma de los Piojos Formation (San Juan Province, Argentina) based on new palynologic and stratigraphic information
Pasquo Di, J.P. Milana
Sedimentary Geology
First record of late Devonian-early Carboniferous palynoflora from the Lipak Formation, Spiti Basin, Tethyan Himalaya, India, and their biostratigraphic implications
Suyash Gupta, Anju Saxena, Husain Shabbar, Srikanta Murthy, Kamal Singh, Rameshwar Bali
Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India
The Carboniferous spore genus Vestispora: New palynological insights from Gondwana
Haytham El Atfy, Jiří Bek, Atef M. Hosny, Dieter Uhl
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
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