• Pollen heteromorphism is observed in Schleichera Lour., a monotypic genus of the Sapindaceae family from central India.
  • Changes in ploidy levels, as well as environmental factors and/or pollination ecology, could be driving the phenomenon of pollen heteromorphism.
  • The present study provides insights of use in phylogeny and systematics, and has implications for pollen preservation as well.
Angiosperms display striking variation of pollen morphological features within and between populations of the same species, as well as within individual plants. We describe and illustrate variation of pollen aperture number, which is called pollen heteromorphism, in Schleichera Lour. (Sapindaceae) from surface soil samples collected from central India, based on combined observations from light microscopy (LM) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). Tri-zono-parasyncolporoidate pollen grains are, in general, known to occur in Schleichera Lour., but occasional tetra-zono-parasyncolporoidate pollen is also recorded, for the first time, from Chhattisgarh State, central India. Changes in ploidy level (diploidy/polyploidy), chromosome number, the C-value of DNA, completion of meiosis, as well as environmental factors and/or pollination ecology could be driving the occurrence of pollen heteromorphism. The present study could provide insights into the phylogeny and systematics, and has implications for pollen preservation as well.
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Pollen characters and their evolutionary and taxonomic significance: Using light and confocal laser scanning microscope to study diverse plant pollen taxa from central India
Md. Quamar, Priyanka Singh, Arti Garg, Swati Tripathi, Anjum Farooqui, Achuta Shukla, Nagendra Prasad
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