Megaflora of the Australian Triassic–Jurassic:
a taxonomic revision
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School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia Campus, Brisbane, Queensland 4072,
Online publication date: 2016-12-13
Publication date: 2016-12-13
Acta Palaeobotanica 2016; 56(2): 121-182
Umkomasiaceans are the most commonly recorded components of Gondwanan Triassic floras but
they are not represented subsequently in that region. Their diversity appears to have substantially declined
prior to the Rhaetian. Lower and Middle Jurassic floras in Australia and elsewhere in Gondwana are strikingly
different from those of the Triassic, comprising ferns, lycopods, conifers, cycads, and bennettitaleans. The fern
Cladophlebis Brongniart 1849 emend. Seward 1894 dominated coal-forming paludal environments during the
Middle Jurassic in Queensland and it is one of the most commonly preserved plants in the Eastern Gondwanan
Jurassic. Ginkgoaleans were present in Eastern Gondwana until near the end-Triassic but were absent below
ca 60°S palaeolatitude during the Early and Middle Jurassic.
The type specimen of Dicroidium superbum (Shirley 1898) Townrow 1957 emend. nov. has been inaccurately
represented in the published record. Consequently, many specimens belonging to the species have been incorrectly
assigned to other umkomasiacean species. Misidentifications and considerably enlarged circumscriptions
of some species have resulted in an erroneous and simplistic morpho-continuum concept supposedly linking
umkomasiacean fronds. Several commonly occurring umkomasiacean species are re-assessed with particular
attention to their type specimens, two of which are accurately figured here for the first time. This re-assessment,
together with evidence from allied fructifications and wood, supports the view that umkomasiacean fronds
belong to several genera. Most umkomasiacean lineages probably terminated prior to the Rhaetian; however,
Zuberia Frenguelli 1943 emend. Artabe 1990 persisted to near the close of the Triassic.
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Permian–Triassic non-marine algae of Gondwana—Distributions, natural affinities and ecological implications
Chris Mays, Vivi Vajda, Stephen McLoughlin
Earth-Science Reviews
Umkomasia (megasporophyll): part 1 of a reassessment of Gondwana Triassic plant genera and a reclassification of some previously attributed
Heidi Anderson, Maria Barbacka, Marion Bamford, W. Holmes, John Anderson
Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology
A Middle Triassic macroflora from southwestern Gondwana (Mendoza, Argentina) with typical Northern Hemisphere elements: Biostratigraphic, palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental implications
Bárbara Cariglino, Mariana Monti, Ana Zavattieri
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Pteruchus (microsporophyll): part 2 of a reassessment of Gondwana Triassic plant genera and a reclassification of some previously attributed
Heidi Anderson, Maria Barbacka, Marion Bamford, W. Holmes, John Anderson
Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology
Studies of the leaf cuticle fine structure of Zuberia papillata (Townrow) Artabe 1990 from Hoyada de Ischigualasto (Upper Triassic), San Juan Province, Argentina
L.C.A. Martínez, A.E. Artabe, S. Archangelsky
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
The Late Triassic World
Evelyn Kustatscher, Sidney Ash, Eugeny Karasev, Christian Pott, Vivi Vajda, Jianxin Yu, Stephen McLoughlin
Transformative Paleobotany
Benjamin Bomfleur, Patrick Blomenkemper, Hans Kerp, Stephen McLoughlin
Two new species of Nilssoniopteris (Bennettitales) from the Middle Jurassic of Sandaoling, Turpan-Hami Basin, Xinjiang, NW China
Yi Zhao, Shenghui Deng, Ping Shang, Qin Leng, Yuanzheng Lu, Guobin Fu, Xueying Ma
Journal of Paleontology
Molecular structure of the cuticles of Dicroidium and Johnstonia (Corystospermaceae, Triassic, Argentina). Ecophysiological adaptations of two chemically indistinguishable, morphology-based taxa
José D'Angelo
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Dicroidium (foliage) and affiliated wood Part 3 of a reassessment of Gondwana Triassic plant genera and a reclassification of some previously attributed
Heidi Anderson, Maria Barbacka, Marion Bamford, W. Holmes, John Anderson
Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology
Reappraisal of ages of Triassic continental sedimentary successions in the Yanbian area (NE China): Implications for the Triassic Angaran and Cathaysian floral recovery
Qingxiang Du, Guangsu Li, Zuozhen Han, Xiaoli Shen
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
Contributions towards whole-plant reconstructions of Dicroidium plants (Umkomasiaceae) from the Permian of Jordan
Patrick Blomenkemper, Hans Kerp, Hamad Abu, Benjamin Bomfleur
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
New plant fossil records and biostratigraphic analysis from the Uspallata Group (Late Triassic) at Cacheuta Hill, Cuyo Basin, west-central Argentina
Josefina Bodnar, Eduardo Morel, Eliana Coturel, Daniel Ganuza
Diversity and homologies of corystosperm seed-bearing structures from the Early Cretaceous of Mongolia
Gongle Shi, Peter Crane, Patrick Herendeen, Niiden Ichinnorov, Masamichi Takahashi, Fabiany Herrera
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
Dicroidium (Zuberia) zuberi (Szajnocha) Archangelsky from exceptional Carnian leaf litters of the Ischigualasto Formation, westernmost Gondwana
Juan Drovandi, Gustavo Correa, Carina Colombi, Silvia Césari
Historical Biology
Silicified cupulate seed-bearing structures from the Early Cretaceous of eastern Inner Mongolia, China: rethinking the corystosperm concept
Gongle Shi, Fabiany Herrera, Patrick Herendeen, Elizabeth Clark, Peter Crane
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology
The fossil flora of the Dead Sea region, Jordan – A late Permian Garden of Delights
Hans Kerp, Patrick Blomenkemper, Hamad Abu, Benjamin Bomfleur
Journal of Palaeosciences
Frond characteristics of Cyrillopteris (ex. Odontopteris) orbicularis (Halle) comb. et emend. nov.: New evidence from the Permian Upper Shihezi (Upper Shihhotse) Formation of North China
Mingli Wan, Dandan Li, Shan Wan, Wan Yang, Weiming Zhou, Keyu Wang, Kaige Jiang, Jun Wang
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Brazilian Paleofloras
Tânia Lindner Dutra, Ronaldo Barboni
Brazilian Paleofloras
Tânia Lindner Dutra, Ronaldo Barboni