Identification of a population of Ranunculus
achenes extracted from Middle Pleistocene
sediments exposed at Belhus Park, Essex, UK
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Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, PO Box 9515, 2300RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Online publication date: 2013-12-31
Publication date: 2013-12-31
Acta Palaeobotanica 2013; 53(2): 181-189
A plant macrofossil assemblage extracted from Middle Pleistocene fluvial organic sediments collected
from Belhus Park, Aveley, Essex, UK contained a number of tuberculate (verrucose) achenes attributed
to the genus Ranunculus, one of which had two short spines preserved on its surface. The identification of these
achenes is discussed here. This is worthy of note because Ranunculus tuberculate or spinose fossil achenes can
be difficult to determine to species as they can have similar features, some Ranunculus species produce achenes
in several morphological forms, and during fossilization delicate structures maybe destroyed (e.g. spines). After
careful morphological consideration it is concluded that the fossil achenes from Belhus Park are Ranunculus
parviflorus L., indicating that dry grassland or disturbed ground existed in the river catchment. The plant
macrofossil assemblages that included the Ranunculus parviflorus achenes were dominated by waterside, damp
ground, and aquatic taxa. It is probable that flowing water transported the achenes from further afield before
their incorporation into the fluvial sediments. The identification of these fossils illustrates the importance of
considering the morphological characteristics of the achene only and not to make a determination on the nature
of the predominant palaeoenvironmental signal from an assemblage.
Rise of herbaceous diversity at the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: First insight from fossils
Yong‐Jiang Huang, Hai Zhu, Tao Su, Robert Spicer, Jin‐Jin Hu, Lin‐Bo Jia, Zhe‐Kun Zhou
Journal of Systematics and Evolution