Carpatella rossica sp. nov., a new Late Paleocene–Eocene dinoflagellate species from European Russia and Ukraine.
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Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevsky pereulok 7, 119017 Moscow, Russian Federation
Online publication date: 2019-12-16
Publication date: 2019-12-16
Acta Palaeobotanica 2019; 59(2): 277-288
Palynological study of two Paleogene core sections from the Voronezh and Rostov regions (SW Russia) and one outcrop in Ukraine revealed the presence of a new Late Paleocene–Eocene species, Carpatella rossica sp. nov. The new species is attributed to the genus Carpatella because of the presence of both apical and antapical horns. However, it is suggested that the taxon represents some features transitional between the three genera of the “Aptiana–Ventriosum complex” of Helenes (1986). Based on the observation of a thin smooth inner layer of the wall in some specimens of Carpatella rossica sp. nov., and given some morphological features of other species described after 1988, a new emendation of the genus Carpatella (Grigorovich 1969) Damassa 1988 is proposed here.
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